Validating Objects#

By default, any “loaded” object is validated before being returned. This can be overridden by passing validate_on_load and validate_on_dump options to models.

To add validators to an object just create a __validate__(self) method in it.

def __validate__(self) -> None:#

This method single-handedly ensures all of objects invariants instead of smearing validation all over the place.

In case of invalid state the method should raise a ValidationError. This approach allows to check that both positive and negative scenarios are covered by tests.

This method can be defined in any custom object. Serious does not discriminate and checks every created object.

__validate__ should not return anything. Only way to fail validation is to raise a ValidationError.


from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import List

from serious import ValidationError, JsonModel

class OrderLine:
    price: Decimal

class Order:
    total: Decimal
    lines: List[OrderLine]

    def __validate__(self):
        if != sum(line.price for line in self.lines):
            raise ValidationError('Order total does not match the sum of order lines')

    JsonModel(Order).load('{"total": "9.99", "lines": [{"price": "7.0"}, {"price": "3.0"}]}')
except ValidationError as e:
    print(str(e))  # Order total does not match the sum of order lines

def validate(object: T) -> T:#

serious.validate function executes object __validate__ method if it’s present.

For example using the Order model defined above:

from serious import validate

    validate(Order(Decimal('9.99'), lines=[
except ValidationError as e:
    print(str(e)) # Order total does not match the sum of order lines

Or for a valid case:

validated_order = validate(Order(Decimal('7'), lines=[
# Order(total=Decimal('7'), lines=[OrderLine(price=Decimal('3.50')), OrderLine(price=Decimal('3.50'))])